Happy Easter

The Easter weekend is almost here; a time for many to celebrate with family and friends, have rest and spend time eating chocolate eggs.
You may be already thinking about activities to do as a family such as Easter Egg trails and going to community events, but have you thought about doing any craft activities this Easter for your home to celebrate the occasion.
If you have, you will have probably already considered an Easter wreath for your front door or even an internal door, so if you’re planning on doing a few crafts this Easter, why not give one of these designs a go and add a bit of ‘Easter’ to your home?
Pom Pom Bunny Wreath
A family favourite, this soft and plush, this easy-to-make wreath can be made with homemade or store-bought pom poms. Simply attach the pom poms to a 12-inch craft ring with hot glue gun. Then Cut ears from white and pink felt; use glue to attach together, and then to the back of the craft ring.
Styrofoam Easter Egg Wreath
Get the paints out for this easy to make and enjoyable easter egg wreath. Paint all Styrofoam eggs in an array of bright pastel colours and set to dry. Like the bunny wreath, then arrange around a 12-inch craft ring and glue down. If you don’t want to use paint, why not try wrapping the eggs in pastel coloured paper.
Egg up your Grapevine Wreath
Personalise a standard ordinary grapevine wreath by attaching coloured embroidery thread around branch sections. To really bring it to life, paint three wooden eggs and attached them with ribbon to the back so they hand in the middle. You can get really creative with some pattern-based egg designs as well!
Paper Butterfly Wreath
Similar to the wreath above, start with a standard grapevine wreath. Chooses a selection of pastel coloured origami paper and then cut into two squares, one smaller than the other before folding to make the butterflies. If you want to make the butterflies stand out more, spray paint the wreath in white first.
Here’s to a wonderful Easter from everyone at XL Joinery.